I have been reading a lot of blogs lately. A lot of blogs around eating disorders (I am fascinated by people's individual experiences), healthy living blogs and I have been in the company of people who's eating values both challenge and enrich my own thinking. Over the course of these experiences I have consumed a mountain of sugar!
I keep thinking about how I should set my year off, the goals that I should set for myself. I am in recovery from bulimia but my eating still has a hint of disorder to it. I manage, I succumb, I control, I do whatever it takes to get through my days. I should say that I am binge-purge free and have been since 2007. So I am making it. I'm not making a huge mark on the world but I do get to shape two young minds, my children.
I guess I feel the need to blog purely because I am ready for the next stage. I am ready to increase my exercise without it feeling like it will be a segueway into some kind of addiction. I am ready for my body to feel healthy and good and I am ready for me to feel good about it. The last one is a kind of a hard one since I have a hard time feeling good about my body. It is so easy to feel negative and quite honestly it drains my soul. My soul needs some lifting. 2011 saw some big changes in my life that may be both positive and negative, I have yet to decide. Well that's it for now.
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